Hem » Find support during treatment

Find support during treatment

Being unable to have a baby naturally can cause strong emotions that are difficult to control, and many people suffer in silence without seeking help to deal with the situation. Emotions such as sadness, anxiety, anger, and the feeling of loneliness are just some examples of commonly occurring emotions.

Major questions may also arise in connection with treatment, such as:
– Can we handle another treatment?
– Should we do sibling treatment after we have already had a child?
– Should we end the treatment without having children, and how do we proceed then?

With such feelings and questions, it can be valuable to talk to someone who is used to these issues, in addition to the team at the clinic.

The staff at our clinics can help you find the kind of support you need. For us, mental health is very important, and we offer counseling by a psychologist or psychotherapist in connection with treatment.

Here you will find information about the psychologists and psychotherapists we collaborate with:

More co-workers

For those who want counseling in various formats, we have alternatives:

Tina Börjesson, a counselor and coach, offers individual support and support in groups. Tina is a trained specialist nurse with a wealth of experience meeting with people in need of assistance during their fertility journey. You will find more information about her, how to book an appointment, and upcoming courses here.

For many people, it means a lot to find others who are in similar situations as you, and there is then an opportunity for contact through a network that Bumby App operates. Behind the app are two passionate individuals, Elin and Andrea, who themselves have long experience with involuntary childlessness and have started the fertility support app because they felt that it was lacking. You can find the Bumpy App here.

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Solna Strand

Korta gatan 9
171 54 Solna
08-88 77 00

Hammarby Sjöstad

Hammarby allé 93
120 63 Stockholm
08-420 036 09


Odinsgatan 10
411 03 Göteborg
031-333 09 70


Geijersgatan 2B
216 18 Limhamn
040-15 00 60