Regular opening hours
The clinic is open Monday–Thursday from 08.00–16.00 and Friday from 8.00–15.00. We are closed for lunch from 12.00–13.00.
Our telephone hours are Mondays–Thursdays at 08.50–15.45 and Fridays at 08.50–15.00.
Regular opening hours
The clinic is open Monday–Thursday from 08.00–16.00 and Friday from 8.00–15.00. We are closed for lunch from 12.00–13.00.
Our telephone hours are Mondays–Thursdays at 08.50–15.45 and Fridays at 08.50–15.00.
Hammarby allé 93
120 63 Stockholm
08-420 036 09
Odinsgatan 10
411 03 Göteborg
031-333 09 70
Geijersgatan 2B
216 18 Limhamn
040-15 00 60
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